Marathon D-15
Dominique Chauvelier’s advice
While you’ve been doing at least three or four outings a week, it’s time to take a break. Under no circumstances should you consider making up for any lack of training.
Your body needs to regenerate and erase all traces of intensive preparation, so you don’t arrive tired on the competition day. Take the opportunity to spend time with your family, do some DIY, do some gardening… in short, forget about running for while.
Marathon D-7
Dominique Chauvelier’s advice
If your last long outing took place on D-15, an encore reduced by a third is welcome at D-7. Take advantage of this outing to test your equipment and nutrition. The rest of the free time is used to rest: short 15-20 minute naps with legs elevated, relaxation, stretching…
The OVERSTIM.s advice
Don’t change your eating habits, but don’t eat too much, and think about foods that contain vitamins and antioxidants: fruit, vegetables… Remember to stay well hydrated, drinking 1.5 L of water every day.
Marathon D-4
Dominique Chauvelier’s advice
That’s when I do my last little session. I start with a 30-minute warm-up, then move on to 3 repetitions of 3 minutes at marathon pace, recovering 2 minutes between each.
Marathon D-3
The OVERSTIM.s advice
It’s time to fill up on energy ! In the 3 days leading up to the marathon, it’s essential to build up yours energy reserves (muscle glycogen) to improve your stamina and endurance.
The consumption of Malto antioxydant, made up of 94% slow carbohydrates, is a great way to boost your energy reserves without having to eat a lot… no more big plates of pasta that require a major digestive effort!
Every day from Thursday to Saturday, drink 1.5 L of water with 150 g of Malto antioxydant. In addition to increasing your energy reserves, Malto antioxydant helps keep you well hydrated before the race and provides vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
At mealtimes, eat starchy foods in reasonable quantities and avoid fatty, high-fiber foods to promote digestive comfort.
Marathon D-2
Dominique Chauvelier’s advice
Find a little time to prepare your bag so that you don’t forget anything and can feel relaxed on competition day.
Here are a few essentials: your running outfit, a pair of running shoes, a change of clothes with a little more warmth, 1 old sweater, 1 GSP cardio watch, 4 pins or a number belt, your race number or pick-up form, 1 form of ID, 1 license or 1 medical certificate, your race supplies (OVERSTIM.s energy gels, waiting drink, etc.).
Marathon J-1
Dominique Chauvelier’s advice
I recommend a light jog to work up a sweat and feel good mentally. After a long journey, it also relaxes the legs and helps the intestinal transit.
Avoid walking too long in the marathon lounge, especially if you’ve been waiting a long time to pick up your number.
Your dinner should be light and easily degestible, so avoid fatty, high-fiber foods. Beware of the traditional pasta party, where the pasta on offer is often overcooked and served with fatty sauces.
The OVERSTIM.s advice
Remember to make your Gatosport, You’ll get more sleep on the morning of the event, and have a digestible breakfast adapted to your energy needs
Anticipate the preparation of Gatosport if the marathon takes place far from home, and don’t forget it at home!
For dinner, for example, you could eat pasta al dente + tomato sauce + chicken breast + yoghurt (with milk or soy) + fruit compote.
D-Day marathon
Dominique Chauvelier’s advice
In my day, we got up very early to eat pasta again! Aberrant nowadays! Now, with the Gatosport, you save sleep time and have a balanced, energetic and, above all, easily digestible breakfast!
Warm up slowly for about ten minutes, until you start to sweat slightly. Cover up with an old sweater until you reach the starting line, to avoid catching a cold. Place yourself in the starting locker that corresponds to your level.
Don’t get carried away by the crowds and the euphoria of the start, or you’ll pay for this over-rev at the end of the race. As soon as you enter the airlock, do a few static stretches.
This long waiting period before departure is often stressful and energy-consuming. So take the opportunity to drink your Boisson d’attente. A few metres after the start line, throw your old sweater on the sidewalk and it will be collected for charity.
Here you are, your challenge is coming true. I’m so proud of you!
The OVERSTIM.s advice
Your pre-race breakfast should offer progressive energy and hight digestibility. With its specific, balanced nutritional intake, Gatosport is the solution for the best starting conditions.
Consume 1/3 to 1/2 Gatosport on its own, accompanied by water, tea or coffee. Easily digested, it can be consumed up to 1 hour before departure.
Your complete marathon nutrition pack
Your diet in the days leading up to your marathon, and on D-day with your pre-race breakfast and refreshments, will condition your performance.
The pack marathon OVERSTIM.s. precisely meets the high energy requirements of a marathon.
With no preservatives or colorants, OVERSTIM.s sports nutrition products are of the highest quality and will help you avoid heartburn and digestive problems. They will accompany you in the days leading up to the event, as well as during and after your marathon.
So take up the 42.195 km challenge with the pack marathon OVERSTIM.s.