By Marion - Sports dietician and nutritionist

The bigger the quantity of liquid absorbed in one go, the longer gastric emptying will take and rehydration will therefore be less effective. For good absorption, drink one mouthful (maximum two) at a time (5 to 10cl).


Never drink more than 10cl at a time

The bigger the quantity of liquid absorbed in one go, the longer gastric emptying will take and rehydration will therefore be less effective. For good absorption, drink one mouthful (maximum two) at a time (5 to 10cl).



Drink right from the start

Dehydration begins even before the start (stress). In less than an hour, you can lose up to one litre of water.. and your physical aptitude is reduced considerably! So don’t wait and drink your first mouthful straight away as dehydration can set in quickly.



Drink as regularly as possible

Learn to drink regularly and at closer intervals when the weather is hot. Ideally, drink one mouthful every 5 minutes. Don’t go over 10 minutes even in cooler weather.



Learn to drink during training

Your training sessions will be of a better quality and your recovery will be better! It takes time to manage a rational fluid intake, and you can learn whilst in trainin.



Choose the drink which is best adapted to your route

OVERSTIM.s drinks have been designed to ensure the necessary fluid intake in the best conditions and to supply optimal carbohydrate energy during repeated exercise. Follow OVERSTIM.s advice closely when choosing your drinks, it’s the best guarantee for a choice which suits your needs.


For sessions under 1 hour:

Electrolyte drink


For sessions under 3 hours:

Antioxidant Hydrixir

Organic Hydrixir


For sessions over 3 hours:

Long Distance Hydrixir
Veloute long distance Hydrixir (Ideal in most difficult and demanding conditions)
Savoury Hydrixir


Save your water for splashing yourself with or for rinsing your mouth

During exercise, water doesn’t provide energy and may cause mineral loss, sodium in particular. Sweating increases and thirst can make you drink more and more water. This over-drinking can be a burden on the digestive system without compensating for dehydration and making any energy intake ineffective. Drinking water should be exceptional and should only be done on condition that your take a gel at the same time so that you compensate for energy loss.
